- 10th floor slab concrete pouring ongoing.
- Verticals between 10th & 11th floor concrete pouring ongoing.
- HVAC & MEP activities ongoing.
- Block work activities B05 to B01M ongoing.

Below is a brief of Concord SKY project construction status:
Ground floor structural vertical elements to ground floor mezzanine and to 2nd floor are on going.
Ground floor mezzanine and 2nd Floor decking and concrete pour are ongoing.
2nd floor to 3rd floor south wall forming on going.
Please refer to the attached photos below.
Thank you.
Beginning this Friday March 15th, Concord Sky will be re-routing the sidewalk on the east side of Yonge Street to allow installation of overhead sidewalk protection. The drawing below shows the extent of the work area. This work is scheduled to take approximately two weeks to complete, with the sidewalk and lane closures re-instated at the end of each working day. Trained traffic personnel will be assigned full time during the closure. Every effort will be made to minimize the disruption.
Ground Floor slab poured and vertical elements all the way to level 2 are ongoing